Make the future bright with Great
Arrange CEC Accredited Solar installer and desginer for the Home or Business Today
About us
Solar Panel Installers in VIC, NSW, TAS, WA, QLD & SA

For Residential
Our solutions can transform your life by lowering your energy bills, offering you greater financial flexibility, and allowing you to enjoy a safe source of green energy.

Battery Loan
Interest-free loans of up to $8,800 are available to help eligible Victorian households reduce the upfront costs of installing a solar battery.
Last updated 21 May 2024

For Commercial
We providing high quality solar installations and savings thousands dollar every year.

Solar Projects
All of our products are clean energy council approved solar panels with compatibility with a range of energy systems, while our inverters are highly efficient. Here are some of the high-quality brands we stock
Who We Are
We’re Great Solar, using solar power to help you
Professional super friendly and qualified Electrical contractor for VIC, NSW, TAS and SA states
Designing and installing solar systems is all we do, so whether you need to install a small system for your home, or a large system for your business, we have the expertise to design the perfect solar solution for your unique needs.
Great Solar is one of the most innovative and fastest growing companies in the clean energy field. It is our goal to help Australians make a difference to the environment and at the same time, invest in their future without compromising their existing lifestyle.
Solar Leasing
Solar Financial Solutions is for Clean Energy to be available to everyone. That’s right everyone.
Extreme attention to detail is the essence of Boo’s unique. designMundi eu sea, liber option sercivi.

Consumption Analysis
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering.
Smart Modelling
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering.

How We BUILD Your Solar Panel
Solar Panels tailored to fit your needs.
Professional Installation
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering.
On Going Monitoring
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering.
How Battery Works
Save more than just power with battery storage
Solar battery storage works by storing excess solar production during the day for use at night. This is more cost-effective than selling it back to your retailer during the day at a cheaper rate. On a time of use tariff, you can also purchase grid power during cheaper periods, reducing how much you purchase during peak periods. Battery systems can also be configured to provide power in an outage. There are a few different types of storage systems like Hybrid inverter, AC Coupled and DC Coupled solutions. Our consultants can help you pick the right one for you.
Types Of Energy Storage Systems:
- DC Coupled Storage
- AC Coupled Storage
- Hybrid Inverters